Monday, June 14, 2010


So, the other night I had this reeeeally weird dream. And I woke up, and was kind of like WTF. So, here it is:

It was modern day, and for some reason my family and friends were in like Northwest Bumblefuck USA, and there was a zombie epidemic -- so original, I know. So, there's these zombies chasing us, trying to get our attention, so we run (because the word was that if we touch them, or they touch us, we turn into zombies), and we run into these little ghetto make-shift homes that just happened to be there. So weird. So at this point in my dream, I have like the best idea ever (or so I thought) to go out, and find out what the fuck the zombies are chasing us for. Like, what would they want from us?

So I see like two or three of them, around a motorcycle (? right?), and one happens to be really attractive (you're probably thinking EW, but no, he was mad attractive). And they seemed really nice. So I'm like "DUDE WTF WHY DO YOU AND THE REST OF YOUR ZOMBIE POSSE KEEP CHASING US?" And so they're like "dude, no, chill, we're trying to warn you." So, I hang out with them, because they seem pretty rad (and coherent) for being zombies, and I find out what's turning everybody. Are you ready for this???


SHOCK RIGHT? I thought that the fact that they were ZOMBIES, FLESH EATING ZOMBIES, were enough to turn humans into them. But nope, it was the stuff that nobody thinks anything about. So, I went back to my family, and they were about to eat Taco Bell, and McDonald's, because it was the only thing left to eat, so I was like "NOOOOOOO DON'T EAT THAT" and they all got really mad at me.

And then my dream ended.

So weird, but I think I'll use it for my Short Film project for TV2.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Wow, it's been over a month

And I'm so pissed off. Like, words CANNOT EVEN FATHOM how mad/upset i actually am.

I DON'T CRY OVER GUYS. So, why is it THIS ONE in particular???? Why did I even waste THREE YEARS on him?!

I just really don't know what to do anymore.

And I'm totally mad at the wrong people.