Sunday, April 11, 2010

Boring Day.

Boooo. Nothing extremely exciting happened today. But I made $100 babysitting lastnight, so there's a plus.

Also, gotta love how my mom told me not to get mad before she asked me this question: "Was there people smoking pot at the party Friday?" So, of course I told the truth and said yes, but that I didn't. Then she proceeded to tell me that she didn't want me getting into trouble if they got busted. Which wouldn't happen, because the cops in my town really don't care, as long as they're not bothering anybody. So basically she's saying she doesn't want me going to them anymore. Which is something that isn't going to happen. Just saying. Like, I can see where she's coming from, but I'm not gonna stop having fun not doing what they're doing. Doesn't make much sense, but I'm sure you're all picking up what I'm putting down.

Now, it's time I must hit the hay. Class at 8 tomorrow. Lovely.

"It's hard to say that I was wrong,
it's hard to say I miss you.
Since you've been gone, it's not the same..."

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